Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tribute to Frank and Ryan

I’m sure that most of you have heard about what happened here on the 1st of August. In case anyone hadn’t we had an airplane accident where one of our pilots (Frank Toews) and one of our mechanic’s (Ryan Williams) was killed. They were doing a photo shoot over Kabira which is one of the largest slums in

Africa and we believe experienced an engine failure of some sort and had to put the airplane down in a very heavily populated area just on the edge of Kabira. There were two photographers in the back of the airplane who survived. One with serious injuries and some broken bones, the other with injuries, but not quite as serious.

Frank and Ryan were great men. They will be greatly missed. They have both left a wife and 4 children behind. Sometimes we just don’t understand why things happen, but we can be certain that God really is in control. They paid the ultimate cost of following Jesus as you can read in Luke 9: 57-62. How much does it really cost us to follow Christ? Of course the costs are going to be different for each of us. Frank’s wife Tiffany and Ryan’s wife Dawn will need a lot of prayer and support in the days, weeks, and months to come.

The AIM AIR family is working through this tragedy. Plans are being made to begin flying again in another week or so. Although this has been a tragic event the ministry and support that AIM AIR has is a very significant part of many mission organizations in East Africa. With God’s help it will continue to be, but we covet your prayers as we move forward.

You can find a lot more information on the AIM AIR website ( about the accident and their families who have been left behind as a result. You just need to click on the LMB accident site once there.


  1. How very sad. Their families will be in our prayers.

  2. Certainly was tragic! Our prayers go out to the families involved. We pray for your safety too.

  3. What a tragedy! :( Sometimes life is so hard to understand.

  4. That is very sad. I'm sorry for your loss and the added stress & fears this brings for you.
