Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fun things from the last few weeks.....

Here are some misc. pictures of events from the last few weeks. The first 2 pictures are of a friend of mine, Flora. She works at Tumaini Counselling Center, as a cleaning lady, the lady in the white t-shirt is Margaret the main cleaning/cooking lady there, and the lady onthe far left is Flora's mother.
Flora was hit by a car, Aug.2. A man was teaching his child to drive and he hit her, then they got out and switched places so it looked like the dad was driving and not the boy. In the mean time he literally ran over her with the tires and then thought she would have been too badly hurt, so they backed over her to finish her off! It is such a sad story. If she would have died, then the man wouldn't have to pay for her medical bills. But God was with her! The man did take her to the hospital. It the next few weeks she learned she had many broken bones. She said she layed in bed for 3 weeks without being moved or turned. She said she cried and cried as the pain was so bad. After about a month she was transfered to another hospital for better care. Finally when she could sit up she was able to go home. Only thing was, was that she had to pay all of her bill before she could leave. The man didn't pay most of it. We all at Tumaini chipped in to help her. :) So, here she is about 6 weeks after all that happened. She just kept saying how fatihful God is and that she thought so many times she would die, but He didn't let her. My oh my, their are so many people here with stories like this....

Next is Ruth Roberts first birthday party! Can you believe that she didn't even get messy eating her first piece of cake (even first real sugar!!)

Today we went bowling for the first time. It is about 30 minutes away when their is no traffic. Let's see....I won't tell the scores as Micah doesn't want anyone to know. :)

Lastly, a few weeks ago on Sat. Kurt, Micah and some friends all went Go-Carting. I think the pictures say it all.....Micah is in the green suit and Kurt is in the blue.

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