Wednesday, May 5, 2010

St. Paul's Children's Home, Health check-ups

This past Monday I went with a group of nurse and 2 nurse practitioners to St. Paul's Orphanage about 3o minutes out of Nairobi. The nurse practitioner that runs this program is with World Gospel Mission. She travels around to about 10 different orphanages in a month doing health checks on the children. This orphanage has about 65 kids from 4 weeks of age to 17 yrs. Today we saw 60 of the kids! I tried to get these in order - but didn't quite...I'll try to explain.

The below is the line up of kids. We were in the building on the left.
This is inside - Kimberly, one of the nurse practitioners, is checking one of the teen boys.
After we got about half way thru - they had a Bible story for the kids.
The above is Robin - the nurse practitioner that runs this program. She has been here for over 30 years! :) Here she is talking to one of the nurses about a baby she is checking on our right.
Here is Kimberly again - this little girl was so cute! (above)
Here we are weighing the mom and baby first - then just the mom to get the baby's weight. (above)
At the end of their check-up they took a multivitamin and deworming tablets - then got a smiley face on their hand so we knew who all was finished. :) We a few kids that were malnurished - possibly do to HIV, few streps, eye infections, some dehydrations and numerous kids with ear irrations do to wax or other.....
After the Bible story the kids each got a picture to color. They really took their time and really colored beautifully!

It was a good experience and hope to be able to go again when they need help! :)
And to end it up here is a couple of pictures of Micah with his club team during one of their practices. They played in a tournament a few weekends ago and did really good. Micah is the oldest on the team so before too long he'll probably not be able to continue, but he's enjoying it for now.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful pictures and stories! I'm glad you are able to get out and use your nursing skills! :)
