Wednesday, June 2, 2010

events of May

Who is taller? Mom or Micah? We know what Micah says, but it's pretty close. Kind of inevitable though I think unfortunately for Angie. (note - Micah has since got a long awaited hair cut - acually Angie too!)

Mother's Day - Micah gave me these flowers - the picture really doesn't show how beautiful they really were.

Here is the skype phone we now have. We're just a phone call away anymore for anyone who would like to talk with us. As long as we have power for our internet that is.

Here was kind of an experiment. A chocolate trifle...I had never made on before and needed to make a dessert for a ladies lunch - pretty good...chocolate cake, chocolate pudding, dream whip. :)

This is our front door. Soon after we moved in last year I planted this viney plant that that has orange blooms. Well, I actually planted it out front over our wall and in the back over the wall. They all did really well, except this one by the door. I had to replant a few times - but now it is growing great! We've had a lot of rain and as you can see on the below pic - the first bloom! weehoo!

I had to put one pic of Twix. He is such a baby. We had a water leak in Micah's room and needed to have the landlord and workers come to fix it. Well, Twix is afraid of strangers and as soon as he saw these guys coming he ran up to our bedroom and crawled in the made bed, up under the pillow to hide. poor kitty...

Micah really enjoyed the care package he received from the Sonnenberg Venture Club. He has been playing with all of the different things and enjoying the "American Gum".

When Kurt was away last week over night Micah got a great idea to change his Wii person to an "old" man by adding wrinkles and glasses on his was pay back time for when Kurt gave Micah a girly nose and he didn't even notice it for a few days.....

West Nairobi School had their very first Graduation! Some of our good friends' son was in the class. They had 17 students graduate from 8 different countries.

This past Sunday we took Micah and his friend Ruben to camp for a week. Sorry I was determined to take pics of them and their room - but guess I was just too excited! :) Here is part of the camp and below the sign. It really looked nice. We are anxious for Micah to come back Saturday and tell us all about it!

This past Tuesday was Madaraka Day, Kenya's Independance Day. Since it was a day off I helped Margaret move a few things she had bought from a missionary leaving to her home. She works at Tumaini, I have come to really appreciate her friendship. Here we are in her livingroom just after having chai.


  1. What a fun mix of events! Chai sounds so wonderful right now. I think I would have a serious addiction on my hands if I lived or even visited that area! :S

  2. WOW...seriously, Micah can't be getting that tall. Good informational blog. It's really nice to have updates like these. How did Micah's week at camp go? What kind of camp was it? Looking forward to seeing you all in the fall,. :)
