Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Visiting "Java" Suzan..

This is our friend Suzan. We met her one of our first times going to the Nairobi Java House to eat. I believe she was our first waitress. We have have enjoyed getting to know her each week that we visited there over the last year and a half. She went on maternity leave over the summer to have her 3rd child. So we decided to go visit her and her new little girl "Janelle".
Isn't she a cutie! I think she is around 2 1/2 months in this picture. Suzan also has a girl named Jasmine and a boy named Jamal. They are all so cute. We have sure enjoyed our friendship with with Suzan.
The picture above was on the way - this motorcycle passed us with I think about 20 live chickens hanging on it.... you just never know here! :)

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