Thursday, March 26, 2009

Game Park Weekend

Well, we finally took the time to go out with some friends to one of the closet game reserves and tented camps, called Sweet Waters. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive from Nairobi. We left early Sat morning, stopped at Mt. Kenya National Park, then ate at a place called Tree Trout Restaurant. That was so interesting! It literally is a restaurant in a big tree - kind of like the Swiss Family Robinson! They raise trout there, so they had all the pools there that we could see the different stages. Then we arrived at the game park/camp in early evening. THis camp is centered around a watering hole in the middle of the game reserve. Our tents (that were covered with thatch roofs) surrounded the one side of the watering hole, so you could see the animals coming and going. Our tents had electric, running water and our own bathrooms! Then there was a Lodge type place where their is a dining hall, lounge area and store etc. Really nice for the middle of no where! :) In the morning we went on a game drive (we could go in our own car) saw lions, warthogs, gazelles, zebra, giraffe, rhino, hippo etc. Then came back had lunch and then swam. It was pretty cool to have the pool right there where you could still watch the animals come and go to the watering hole. It nice and peaceful there too. It was a nice get away!

We also finally got a "real" pet! We learned of the KPCA (like the SPCA in the US) so we went there and Micah picked out a kitten. He named it "Twix" as it has the white with different shades of gray. He is very tame and extremely playful! He goes everywhere with Micah around the house.

Kurt has been busy flying and has one more trip of pictures he'd like to get on here yet. Sunday he leaves for a week with a group of doctors to do cleft palate surgeries - so more to come on that! :)


  1. Nice pics! Wow swimming in view of giraffes! That's really cool. Like the striped behind... i bet Donna wishes she had one like that.

    BTW- i now have a blog:

  2. Looks like you are getting around to see the sights.That pool looks good with wildlife around.Keep the news flowing.

  3. I love the images Micah
