Tuesday, June 2, 2009

West Nairobi School

Micah finished up school on Friday. The last week was filled with lots of fun things as his teacher decided to finish up most of the school work by the end of the week before school let out. He would like to show some more of what his school is like so the following are pictures mostly of his school.

His bus that he rides about and hour and a half every day.

The front gate. His school is on a hillside so everything is kind of built on one side of the hill.

His classroom for this year was in the building behind this one which looks like this one.
More of the campus. It's are really beautiful setting.
This is the food banda or cafeteria. The students line up to get their food in this tukel and then eat in a couple more of them off to the side just like this one.
And the soccer field at the bottom of the school grounds.
Next year (August) Micah will begin 6th grade. Yes, he did do well enough to move on.


  1. Good pics and also update on Micah going on in schgool. Thanks for the info

  2. Nice, Micah. Thanks for sharing with us. It helps to see pictures of where you are. Hope you have a great summer.
    Aunt Donna

  3. Thanks for letting us know about your school. Would make a great field trip! :)

  4. Quite interesting!!Have a good summer!!

  5. Katie and Carter will enjoy these pictures-- they have lots of questions about life in Kenya! :)
