Saturday, July 4, 2009

Our latest flight attendant, and more work pictures.

On a fairly recent trip up north I was able to bring Micah along. We were taking medicines into an airstrip for World Vision and didn't have any passengers so since Micah is out of school he was able to ride along in the DC 3TP and helped unload the medicines. Then on the first leg back since it was a long day and the airplane was empty he decided to take a break in a hammock. After we made a fuel stop at Wajir, Kenya we picked up a couple of passengers to take back to Nairobi. We will give the Kenyan Civil Aviation guys rides when we have space available. Micah enjoyed serving the guys water, juice, and cookies that we normally have along with us. It was a fun day, but he was pretty tired after the day was over.

Then a couple of weeks ago I had the priviledge of going to the mission airstrip where I first went way back in 1982. It's in the CAR and called Zemio. We were transporting 15 drums of Jet fuel so another airplane could do some flying out of there. The house in this picture was in process of being built and I helped do some of the wiring and building during that time. It was pretty cool to get back to the mission station where I spent those few months.
Here is also the airstrip just a couple hundred yards from the station. We also brought out 30 empty barrels that were there from previously used up fuel. It was a quick, but enjoyable trip.

Just the other day I transported quite a few guys and their broadcast equipment to western Kenya. I believe that they are from God TV and were planning on doing a live broadcast of drilling a well in one of the villages that is having trouble getting water. We had to transport all of their equipment which was quite a lot, plus all of the broadcast guys. The remainder of what you see in this picture is just a small portion of what there actually is.
Now we also have made one more addition to our back yard. We had this table and umbrella made a week ago. They make them here, but normally too big so we had someone make us this one for us and the chairs. It's perfect and we can now enjoy eating outside a little more. It is winter here though so at times it's a little too cold right now, (around 60 degrees) but we do try to take advantage of it whenever we can. :-)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Micah! What a great experience. I will try to print these pictures to show Janee Larson.
    Hope you are keeping a journal of all these fun things you get to do!
