Thursday, July 16, 2009

summer vacation?

Here are a few things that Micah and I have been doing so far this
summer. It actually feels more like fall here in Nairobi. This is Micah's room with his cup stacking cups in a tower but he took it down and put it on his desk in the biggest form even with the smallest super stacks.

We have cool nights in the high 50's days in the 70's. Alittle too cool for swimming, so we have had to find other things to do. These pictures are out of order, so I will try to explain them. We are seeing some improvements in Nairobi. The first picture above - they started painting lines in the middle of the main road by us to prevent "overlapping", that is when the Matatu's (public transportation vans) just make another lane of traffic and cause a bit of congestion. We will see if this works. Their is another picture of this below. :) The second one above is a picture of a stand that we bought from another missionary. It's more like an island - the top opens up on each side for more space. It all looked the same color as the top now. I painted it black and then sanded it so it would look a bit more rustic - then put new knobs on. :)

Micah took this picture of a box of cereal that I "caved in" and bought for him. I don't ususally buy sugar cereal - and well maybe next time I won't take him with me grocery shopping!

My tomatoes are making progress - they have a few little green tomatoes on them. :)

One more picture of the yellow lines on the road.

Micah and I try to do at least one fun thing a day each week. Yesterday we went to mall like place with a few friends looked around at the shops and had lunch out. Here is Micah with his ususal "out to eat" meal. Cheeseburger and fries.

This was a picture on Father's Day - ok, boo-hoo, minus Warden and Brandon.


  1. I haven't been on the computer near as much with the nice weather outside, but I look every week or two at blogs to see what is happening. Thanks for the update. I love that kitchen stand. Keep the pictures and updates coming.

  2. Ahhhh, cheeseburger and fries. Good Choice Micah! Like the stand.
