Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Catching up...

Wow, it has been sometime now since I've attempted to get this updated! So, this blog is just a mixture of this and that. Many of you know that we have decided to return to the US at the end of October. We appreciate your prayers as we make yet another move and find where and what God has for us. Below is a pic of my friend Margaret and 2 of her friends. I think it was 2 weeks ago, we had made a list of all our things we needed to sell. So Margaret came with her friends to see. It was really amazing, we had a number of people just stop by that weekend and just about claimed everything!
Ok, here is my one and only pic of Twix...(for this blog) He just loves to lay on me everytime I get this white blanket out. Then he finds such goofy ways to position himself. Oh, he is really our best cat ever! ...don't you all think we should bring him back with us? He is just priceless!! right?! :)
One evening Micah said he needed dessert and we didn't have anything really, so he went into the kitchen and came out with this plate.... here it had 3 sweet bananas sliced with peanut butter on and a few peantbutter chips put on top .... too funny!
Also a few weeks ago, we went to Diamond Plaza to eat Indian food and walk around the shops etc. This evening they had a few different entertainment things going. Here was a funny sign...only in Africa...
Ok, this is what I'm talking about! They had 2 people dressed up and walking around - one was a weird looking bunny (on the right) and the other this rather scary wolf thing! I mean it was scraggly, dirty and well - scary! A number of kids would start crying when it walked up to them! Maybe they think that is funny?
One day I was watching Dinah, John and Ruth. They enjoy playing with the play kitchen set that I have here, so I thought maybe we should have a picnic with them. So we have peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches on these little plates and water in the little cups - even Dinah's stuffed animal joined us.

These top pics are just for fun. Sometimes when I'm at the grocery store, I am amazed at where some of the products come from.
The bottom pic is a rather large papaya! Papaya are in season now and you can buy big ones like this or smaller. Are friends Robb and Char found this one at a market a little ways from here. It lasted for at least 4 or 5 breakfasts!
The last one is funny....Kurt went to a veggie store and was looking at the melons, I guess this little one got his attention. He asked the clerk what kind it was and he said "cantelope". I think that is the smallest melon I have ever seen! plus, it sure didn't last long.

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