Thursday, September 9, 2010

Good Samaritan's Orphanage

A few weeks ago, I went with a friend of mine again to do a health clinic. Her name is Robyn Moore and she is totally amazing! She has been here in Kenya for over 25 years. She is with World Gospel Mission and has an organization call, the Least of These. Robyn is a nurse practioner and more! She goes to a number of orphanages over Kenya. This day we went to one called Good Samaritan's and is located in Mathere Slum - maybe it's the 2nd largest in the Nairobi area? I'm not sure. This was my first time actually inside a slum of any kind. We went with another nurse practioner and 2 student nurses from Ireland that had just arrived the night before! Ok, they are young! :)
While we were there we saw 81 kids, including 3 babies. This girl here (above) is actually 3 years old - she doesn't look like does she? She's had a number of health issues, but according to Robyn, she is doing better. We saw a lot of kids with ear infections, scabies and signs of HIV. It was so refreshing going with Robyn, as she has so many connections to doctors and clinics in the area. If she had any question about tests needing done, she could just call and set things up. It just felt good to know that things would some how get followed up with - and she will be back here again in a few weeks or so. Plus, Robyn is so easy going - and so good with nationals.
If you've noticed, the kids are eating PIZZA! When we were done, 2 families from Robyn's mission came with pizza for all the kids! I wish I could really explain how amazing that is for these kids and really to just bring what I think was 20 or 30 pizzas into a slum area! I was actually a bit scared things would get out of hand, but the guys really made sure it was under control. They made all the kids sit by the walls (below) and stay sitting - or no pizza, and then handed each child a piece. :) I think this may have been a first for them. The way they ate it was so funny, they picked off all the toppings and then folded it over and ate the rest! :) It was such a treat for them!
Here are the kids all lined up - and one of the daughters of the families that brought the pizza. Sorry, no pics of Robyn examining the kids - I was trying to keep up with her getting the meds ready and having them take a dose etc. At one point we heard a rat crawling somewhere and were hoping it wouldn't decide to come out. Also the flies were really bad - it wasn't a hot day, but they just wanted to stick on you. These are times when I wish I didn't have such a good sense of smell....These kids were so amazing too - just holding them or playing with them - you could tell they enjoyed it.

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